Slow Food on Campus

Slow Food on Campus is a network of Campus Convivia, chapters of Slow Food USA run by college and university students across the country. These Campus Convivia are the living, breathing, working arm of Slow Food USA in the college community. By promoting food and food justice issues and by engaging their fellow students in the pleasures of the table and the garden, Campus Convivia aim to promote a slower, more just, and more harmonious rhythm of life on our nation's college campuses.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Harvest Awards

As you well know, one of the most daunting challenges confronting many communities is sustaining local agriculture. Glynwood Center, located in Cold Spring, NY, is seeking to help communities address change in ways that conserve local culture and natural resources while strengthening economic well-being.

Glynwood Center is calling for nominations for the 5th Annual Harvest Awards which recognize innovative farmers, organizations, and businesses that are supporting sustainable regional food systems. If you know someone who is doing an exceptional job of creating sustainable regional food and agriculture systems, or whose work in this area has inspired others to take action in their communities, please consider making a nomination.

The Glynwood Harvest Farmer Award is awarded to a farmer who has developed a sustainable farming operation and built effective relationships within his or home community and other places where the food is eaten

The Glynwood Harvest Good Neighbor Award
is awarded to an individual or organization that has helped sustain regional agriculture in new and effective ways.

The Glynwood Harvest Connecting Communities, Farmers, and Food Award is awarded to recognize outstanding work that unites farmers and other community residents in building a local food system.

Of particular interest are individuals/programs that focus on: the food, farm, and health connection; how sustainable agriculture furthers social justice; and key roles being played by younger leaders.

Harvest Award recipients will receive national recognition for their achievements. Award recipients will be honored at an Awards Ceremony in New York City in October 2007. They will be guests at Glynwood Center and treated to introductions to New York City and the Hudson Valley, including meals featuring regional food. Travel costs will be reimbursed. Winners and nominees will be featured in articles and publications designed to inspire individuals and organizations across the country to actively support their local and regional farmers and join this growing movement.

Go to for forms and for more information. The deadline is July 10, 2007.

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