Slow Food on Campus

Slow Food on Campus is a network of Campus Convivia, chapters of Slow Food USA run by college and university students across the country. These Campus Convivia are the living, breathing, working arm of Slow Food USA in the college community. By promoting food and food justice issues and by engaging their fellow students in the pleasures of the table and the garden, Campus Convivia aim to promote a slower, more just, and more harmonious rhythm of life on our nation's college campuses.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Join Montana's FoodCorps!

Want to launch and expand farm to cafeteria programs across the state? Montana's FoodCorps, a team of five full-time AmeriCorps VISTA volunteers, is now accepting applications for 2007-2008. FoodCorps team members increase social, economic, and environmental health by helping public institutions buy and serve food grown closer to home.

You will have the unique opportunity to work with farmers, ranchers, community organizers, students, food service directors, and nutritionists to increase the amount of locally and regionally grown food served in cafeterias and thereby boost Montana’s health and economy.
In addition to increasing the amount of locally and regionally grown food, you will also participate in community and campus outreach, such as teaching classes, developing educational materials, or working with community partners. In addition, a job priority will be to fundraise and build programmatic infrastructure that ensures sustainability of the program beyond the VISTA’s term of service.

In return, FoodCorps team members gain skills, leadership experience, and contacts in the community food movement, all while earning a living stipend and paying back student loans.

The term of service starts July 16, 2007 and ends July 16, 2008.

Applications accepted until all positions are filled.

To learn more contact:
Crissie McMullan,
Grow Montana Coordinator

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