Slow Food on Campus

Slow Food on Campus is a network of Campus Convivia, chapters of Slow Food USA run by college and university students across the country. These Campus Convivia are the living, breathing, working arm of Slow Food USA in the college community. By promoting food and food justice issues and by engaging their fellow students in the pleasures of the table and the garden, Campus Convivia aim to promote a slower, more just, and more harmonious rhythm of life on our nation's college campuses.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Gourmet Goes Local

The respected and often tasteful Gourmet has put out a new restaurant guide, which you can find here. The focus this year is on the local, with the guide then broken down into sections (my personal favorite being "Meat Rules," but I'm from the Midwest).

Gourmet says that eating local has "caught on," which perhaps sounds far too much like fad-lingo (yes, I'm thinking whole-grain). Still, this does indeed gesture at our country's growing concern with what we eat, and an increase in the demand for a local product. Catching on is good; hanging on is better.

Luckily, we now have a short guide that showcases farm-to-table programs that are working--and working deliciously. Taste is, after all, a large part of Slow Food, and sometimes it is nice to be reminded.

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