Slow Food on Campus

Slow Food on Campus is a network of Campus Convivia, chapters of Slow Food USA run by college and university students across the country. These Campus Convivia are the living, breathing, working arm of Slow Food USA in the college community. By promoting food and food justice issues and by engaging their fellow students in the pleasures of the table and the garden, Campus Convivia aim to promote a slower, more just, and more harmonious rhythm of life on our nation's college campuses.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Become a Cadre Member!

The Food Project’s Leadership Cadre provides training and networking opportunities for young people (age 18-25) who are promoting social and economic justice through food and agriculture. A cadre is a “group of trained leaders around which a movement can be formed.” The Cadre program allows young leaders to meet peers in different facets of the movement for just and sustainable food systems—from urban agriculture to fair trade to food sovereignty to farm policy and beyond. Cadre members also gain special access to leaders in the field, to in-depth learning opportunities, and to key gatherings such as the Kellogg Foundation’s Food and Society Conference.

Each Cadre member is expected to work on a self-identified project during the year. One of the emphases this year is on student projects that bring local, fair, and sustainable food to college campuses.

Applications are due on May 25th. You can learn more and download applications here.

You can also contact Anim Steel directly at or 617-835-8961.